
Day 23 (7WJ) – What happens when we miss it?

So, what happens when we miss it?  Miss what you ask?  Miss the time.  Miss the opportunity.  Miss “it”.  You know…the it that makes life special, makes it important.

I started a post 6 days ago.  It was, or could have been, an interesting post.  I thought so.  But, I missed it.  I missed the window of opportunity for it to be interesting because I was caught up in other things.

So what!


Did you realize I missed it?  Probably not!  Did you realize that the interesting moment passed?  Definitely not!  If I rewrote the post and put it up today, you would have not been the wiser.  You didn’t miss the moment, I did.  You didn’t even notice it was gone.

So, was the moment important?  Probably not.  And something to think about, may be it was supposed to be that way?  May be the moment was supposed to be fleeting, to be a moment in time.  There is no telling.  What is one thing that is certain, I can’t change what happened by worrying about it.  So…let go and move on!

I’m on a trip to Orlando.  In a presentation tonight someone said, “over time I’ve learned more and more.  And over that time, I’ve found that less and less is really important”.

I have to agree.  So much seems urgent, tragic, fantastic, earth shattering…until we understand that very little of it really matters.  It is then that we can release our expectation and let ourselves participate in life as it was truly meant to be, in the moment.

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