
Day 37 (7WJ) – The journey’s over! Or is it?

Yes, I know that 7 weeks has 49 days.  And I know that in my last post I thought it might extend until 8 weeks.  But here it is, day 37 and I think that for me, this journey is over.  Well, it isn’t really!  I mean, the journey is only really over when you let it be. What I mean is that I’m kickin’ it into a new phase.

So, my trips are complete (the one’s in the 7 weeks).  I got my daughter settled at college, more or less.  Oh yes, I could write pages about the images that went through my head when I delivered my 18-year-old to her off-campus apartment, the counter and refrigerator filled with more alcohol than I have, and she was left in the vastness….alone!  Her roommates decided that they would retain their rights and pay but go home and elsewhere.  She is left to the 4 bedroom, 3 story townhouse….by herself.  At the very least I felt that I had prepared her slightly.  Knew she could handle herself.  Bought her pepper spray.  Told her to make sure the doors were always locked.  And warned her not to drink their alcohol…that it wouldn’t make a good first impression.

And for the past 2 months, I have looked and looked for that perfect apartment that would take me closer to work and closer to the beach.  l have concluded, that it does not exist!

So today, I decided to renew my lease.  To seek one more year in the apartment that I don’t really love and that is far too far away from work.

But, here’s what I gained!  I am relaxed for the first time in weeks.  I know what I have and I know that I can afford it. I know that staying here will allow me to venture in directions that I’ve been longing to wander!  I know that I am choosing to stop banging against a wall and to instead build a different road.  I know that I have wanted, more than anything, to live by the beach.  I haven’t abandoned that, but rather postponed it for a time when I can enjoy it.

So, as long as I get that lease that my landlord’s property manager promised to send, (the woman better come through), my path is turning to a new and more interesting direction, and I can’t wait to see what’s around the next corner!!

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