
Day 5 (7WJ) – Turn it up and Tune in

Feel, DO, Repeat.  But sometimes you have to do it before you are feeling it!

feel do repeatI

Usually, Feel, DO, Repeat makes a lot of sense to me.  I want to feel what I’m doing, to have motivation for my actions and for them to be driven by feeling.  Well, after a long weekend and a day without a workout, this morning I wasn’t feeling it.  I knew that I wanted to work out, actually I knew that I wanted to want to work out.  The problem was that I started to think of all the other things I could do and the reasons not to take action.

Fortunately, I didn’t listen to that voice of “I don’t really want to.”  I knew that if I didn’t take action that I’d regret it.  So, I got out there.  And once I did, then the feeling actually came, and it felt really good.  So I know that next time, it will be easier to repeat.

The added bonus was also that my blood pressure today was 120/80.  Woo Hoo!  I have never had high blood pressure but I know that the stress I’ve been under has been taking its toll.  So, even if you don’t first feel, some things you just have to do and the feeling will follow.

But, what if the good feeling doesn’t come?  What if that lack of feeling leads to a voice that tells you, “This isn’t the thing for you.”? In that case, it might be time to ask why and to plan an alternate strategy.  In a culture that expects us to be selfless and to do for others, we often no longer hear our inner voice or forget what it sounds like.  So, we ignore the cries for help because we think we shouldn’t feel the way we do or that we have no choice.  There is always a way.  There is always a choice.

So, tune into your feelings.  Tune into your voice. Get quiet so it will be easier to hear.  With 44 days to go, today I was reminded to tune in and listen.



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