
Funny what happens when you can see

I’m finally sitting with my computer during one of my favorite times to write…it is morning, it is quiet, all the pets are settled around me, and I realized….I can’t see!  I was actually waiting to check into a flight when it hit me.  I was holding my laptop and leaning close to the screen so it wouldn’t be blurry. Wow!  That explains it!!

When I first got glasses, I was in 5th grade.  The summer before had been absolutely wonderful.  I spent most of my free time with a book.  In fact, that summer I think that I read almost 30 editions of Cherrie Ames, Student Nurse.  And in the process, I ruined my eyes.  After the eye doctor put the glasses on me, he told me how I’d be amazed….that I would look at a tree and instead of seeing green, I would actually be able to see the leaves.  You mean that’s how it’s supposed to look?

When I realized that I was holding the computer to my face and my shoulders were also crunched over in that uncomfortable slouch, my eyes were also opened to the reason it has been so “uncomfortable” for me to write.  It wasn’t that I didn’t have words, but I have been physically uncomfortable.  No wonder!!  Well, that’ll teach me for not getting my glasses replaced when they were broken on a flight a few months ago!

But its funny, how one thing, one small thing, can provide me the a-ha, that I’ve been looking for!  Have you ever had that happen?  Are you sometimes astounded when your eyes are suddenly opened?  I’d love to hear about it!

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