
One Year Later – Time to be real!

I can’t believe that I’ve had this blog for a year now!  My how time flies.  Can I be honest?  It feels like I’ve been writing this for much, much longer….hmmm, that doesn’t sound like a good thing.

Part of the reason that it seems like more than a year is that I started my blogs on blogspot awhile ago.  So, yammering on the internet isn’t new.

However, in the past year I have come leaps and bounds in my understanding of who I am as a person and what I want to do and be.  Quite an accomplishment! Oh yes, that’s a bit of sarcasm because at 54, I would think it’s about time.   I find humor in that but I’m also very, very proud of the person I’m becoming.

In spite of the fact that I’m now more comfortable in my skin, I also realize that the past year has also been a big costume party.  I’ve tried on various masks and costumes, searching for one that felt like it fit just right and made me “look just right.”

Well, I’m going to try something new….I think it’s time for me to cut the crap and just be real.  It’s time to put myself out there, joys, fears and all!  Or at least most of it!

Still, being real can be a pretty damn scary thing!  Which takes me back to mentioning the masks.  Why masks?  What if I say I don’t like my job?  Well, my job may not like that.  What if I say that I get frustrated with people I work with?  They might get offended.  What if I say that I’m sad, depressed or frustrated?  Well, that kind of blows the image that I want to send a positive message and would really like to help you think positive.  After all, I’m not hiding behind It’s Not About Can’t or Pelican Dreams….this is me, Barb Ridener.

On my first anniversary, it’s time I cut the crap and get real.  The real Barb Ridener.  You may like what I write, and I really hope you do, but also you may not, and if not, I hope you won’t be haters.  But here’s the launch of what I really want to write…. I hope you like it.  So let’s be real!

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