
Our words mean something

education newsPopular writers tell us that our thoughts become words and our words become reality.  We are what we say we are.  Is the education system even listening?

  • standardized curriculum
  • standardized exams
  • common core

We say that we teach for rigor but then evaluate using a common rubric.

What is standard?  What is common?  They sure don’t sound like they are exceptional to me! And why are we doing this?  Do we want to stand out?  Or not stand out?  If our attempt is to raise the disadvantaged to a higher level, then what about the advantaged or accelerated?  Do they know where to go?

In trying to show that everyone can do something, very few are being extraordinary.  What’s worse is that they want it defined for them so they know how to get there and then they want permission and hand-holding to take a step.

Could we please give the teachers back the permission to think? The ability to take an idea and make it sparkle and come alive for their children?  If it doesn’t fit into the right format and within the right amount of time and become tied to the right objectives…oh that their students must be able to receipt if an administrator walks into the room…..

We have taken away the magic in learning.  We have stripped it to a formula and told the teachers that it should look this way…or else.  Or else what you ask?  Or else their ratings, on the evaluation scale won’t be high.  And if their ratings aren’t high then their pay will suffer.  Did your students learn that way?  We will never be able to find out because we won’t give you the time to explore outside the framework.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m not talking about committing educational malpractice with our young minds.  But for heavens sake, when they come to college do they really need an example of everything they are asked to do before they do it?  Where is the risk?  Where is the creativity?  Where is the excellence?

Show me an an example and I’ll give you something like it.  It sounds pretty common and standard to me.  May be we should have watched our language.

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