
To My Children – or anyone who understands

Hi Guys!

So, this is my way to say this to all of you in one fell swoop!

This is life!  You’re going to fuck up!  Accept it…and move on!

It is my call to action!

There is no one right way!  It’s a process and you’ll work it out!

I love you, regardless of the path you take.  That doesn’t mean I might not be angry, but get over it.  Shit happens.  I still and will, always love you!

So what’s the point?  I guess that more than anything it’s that I want you to open yourselves up …. can I kick you in your butt?  Life is what you make it.  What you make of it.  What you accept from it.  What you embrace it and how you frame it!  You all have powerful minds, exceptional hearts, and …well, and you are capable of moving large boulders to reach the unimaginable.

So…get off the fence and start your feet a walking!  Take a risk!  Take a chance!  Get into the mix!!  You can do it!

I don’t mean take a next step in your mundane job…(excuse me because that might be rude) because I’m proud of all of you for the work you do, but what I’m talking about is something bigger and bolder.  I’m talking about your dreams!  I mean take a giant leap into creation…and what might be….and beyond what you imagine!  YOU CAN DO IT!  Whatever it might be!  And by the way…yes, it won’t always be perfect and you’ll make mistakes.  But on the road to phenomenal, you have to surpass the bitch that shows herself as difficult and challenging, or even seemingly impossible.  Who cares that you might hit some twists and turns?!  I believe in you.  All of you!

You were born to achieve greatness beyond all the cants in this world!  Live your dreams, where ever they are and where ever they may be!

In each darkness, there is a dawn.

In each nightfall, a sunrise.

In each battle, a hero emerges.  Be the hero of your destiny (destinies) !!!

I believe in you…I believe in me.  It doesn’t have to be conventional, it just has to be that thing we mean to come true.  You have it in you….I know you do!

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