
What percent of your life are you living?

What percent of your life are you living?  As I scrambled through my morning I asked my self that question.  I have to admit, at this second while I’m writing this, it feels like less than 50%.  There are times it only feels like 10% and sometimes it gets to be higher.  But I feel like its an excellent question to ask myself and to take stock of the things that I am doing and the choices that I’m making.

The question came to mind when I woke up late and then rushed through my morning routine, shower, contacts, walk the dogs, feed the dogs, fill my water bottle….and out the door.  Then, the morning commute was less than eventful, which could be a good thing, but was conscious numbing none the less.  Arriving at work I thought about all the possible things that I could be engaging in, none of which I was. Options that would be far more “exciting” or energizing.  Options that would make me feel alive.  So I tried to quantify it.  What percent am I living?  Sadly, it was a 10% moment.

So why?  Why was I having a 10% moment?  What am I not doing that I’d like to?  How can I change that?  I came up with 4 ideas.

1. Engage with commitments rather than numbing through them.   – This is actually a big thing.  If I can engage with my commute, my checking of email, my dog walks, etc.  I can be present and get the most out of them.  If I mentally check out of whatever I’m doing, it takes away any potential for joy.  If I engage, even in the most routine activities, then I can live them.  Try it.  Seriously!  It makes even the worst things a part of your life, rather than background noise.

2. Pick at least 1 thing each day that I will bring my whole passion to – The thing that I chose this morning was to completely engage with the evaluations I was doing.  Sad to admit that I sometimes glaze over through these meetings, but it makes me feel far more connected to the people I work with.  The other thing I chose to bring my passion to, was writing this post.  (I hope you enjoy it.) But if I accept that I love to tell my story, then why not enjoy it….the story AND the telling of it. I mean really!  Hiding it is such a shame and really shortchanges me of the joy!

3. Choose at least 1 thing each day to give to the universe – What don’t I want to or need to do?  Pick something.  It can be big or it can be small.  It just can’t be something that gives you joy.  Why would you want to give that up?  Today, I decided to let other people deal with their own concerns.  Rather than assisting them and calming their nerves, giving my energy to them…I gave it to the universe and let them own the issue.  So far, I find it a much easier strategy.

4. Imagine what my engaged life looks and feels like – Daydreaming can be a very positive activity.  I don’t mean that I’m checking out of the events around me, but I’m consciously taking time, from 30 seconds to longer, to envision what my current situation, ideally imagined would look like.  I put myself into that place.  I remember the steps that I took to get there.  It’s pretty cool…some people call it living as if.

There are other strategies that have crossed my mind, but these are my big 4 for now.  I know that I’ll expose them at a later time.  So with that said, I have some emails to answer and a pile of papers to sort…and I will live every second it takes to get it done!


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