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    Does it have to be work?

    There are a lot of things that I’m working on!  I’m working on my work at the university.  I’m working on my new business with USANA.  I’m working on losing weight.  I’m working on cleaning my apartment.  I’m working on…

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    It can’t be true

    It can’t be true The news It’s not days old And yet we seek for confirmation That it can’t be true And as we seek for new stories that say no, just kidding We find more that say, sorry, but…

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    Patience Reveals itself As a dried-up pool Endless anticipation Beating down Baking away The drops of hope That lead to renewed life Release the expectation and outcome And the flood begins Renewal when least expected Revitalization when least imagined It’s…

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    Broken Dreams

    Somehow I knew That broken dreams could be shattered To pieces like glass Smashed, with fragments falling into cracks Lurking, waiting for me Only, to step on later, as a reminder Of the darkened illusions I’d forgotten and left behind…

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    Let the healing begin

    Please!  I’m ready…really, really ready! I’m tired of being angry!  I’m exhausted with keeping my guard up and my walls strong to protect me from those who don’t care they exist…because they want their piece of me. I want a…

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    I choose me

    It shouldn’t really be hard…I choose me.  I choose to follow my dreams.  I choose to go after what I want.  It shouldn’t, so why is it?  Why is it hard for others to understand that I am choosing and…

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    Molten beginnings and fragile endings

    I fly and float On plateaus That hold my dreams Above my fears on the brink of tomorrow shade and shadow the foundry place That forges the space where tomorrow is smelt In molten beginnings And fragile endings… Where we…