
Day 8 (7WJ) – Do what it takes to soar

Fantastic, fun, fabulous, fun FRIDAY! I’m thrilled that the work week is complete.  Now for the weekend.

This weekend is about my daughter.  Shelby is graduating from high school on Sunday.  I am so very proud of her.  (I’m proud of all three of my children – in case you are wondering or the other two happen to read this.) But Shelby (the baby) has done it!  Finished high school, gotten accepted to two great colleges, and worked at two different jobs. She has been a successful student, stayed out of trouble, and ….we haven’t killed one another, even though I’m sure it’s crossed her mind.  She has also held the house together and taken care of the pets when I had to travel. I’m proud of her and know that whatever she sets her mind to, she will be able to do.  This weekend, we celebrate her accomplishment and her door to possibility.

That leads me to my subject.  Every morning, I walk the dogs down by the canal.  Our neighborhood has ducks.  A lot of ducks!  This morning, the ducks were out in abundance.  When I was near the water the ducks were wandering around.  Some were in the grass.  Some were in the water.  Then, it happened.  One of the ducks in the water, took flight.  If you’ve never seen it, it is really quite remarkable.  The duck feverishly flaps its wings.  As it does this, its feet touch the water….repeatedly.  So, its feet hitting the surface and causing resistance while the wings work to set it free.  Free to flight.

It reminded me of what it takes to follow your dreams, to set yourself apart.  As we start out, we put forth a lot of effort.  As we do this, we encounter resistance that touches us again and again.  The more we work, the longer we continue, the resistance gets less and less.  Our feet only graze the things that work to slow us down.  Then suddenly, we break free.  The work has paid off and we are beyond that which might have stopped us or slowed us down.  We have won the battle.  We are free to soar.

But it doesn’t end there.  The duck does not fly far before it lands.  This will lead to a new challenge.  It will lead to resistance that it will again, overcome.  How many of us live our lives like this duck?  How many of us allow the challenge to stop us?  I hope that we all learn to fight and overcome.  (kids, this is for you too!)


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