

My wish for you is that your demons don’t run deep.

I’m in the process for looking for a new place to live. Timing is far from the best. It is the end of the semester. I have grading I need to commit myself to spend days on. There are letters of evaluation to write and reports to share. There is moving, before my current apartment charges me a small fortune. And then there are trips, more trips to take. Pack? Oh yes. And there is that. Oh, and my birthday…well, it used to be a thing.

If I had to pick a worse time, I’m not sure when that would be except for the week between Christmas and New Years.

To add to the mix, I’m in the middle of some job searches. For those who aren’t familiar with academic searches, the transition is typically once per year. June 30th. If they work out, I will move again. So maybe I can consider this a practice move. A trial run.

So why am I talking about demons? Two reasons really. To start, in the midst of it all I got a great brainstorm and I’m starting a side hustle that will take more time. Couldn’t put it off. Strike while the iron is hot! Patience? Never! The demon of busy is good and virtuous and makes one worthy rears her ugly head.

As though one isn’t enough, I found a good house at a good price (to rent). First, last and security (ugh) but check! Income high enough? Check! Then comes the tough part….apply to the HOA. Demons, bring out your flames! I haven’t even applied yet but I’m worried that I won’t be accepted. On a preliminary questionnaire I had to answer…job…yes, excellent, over 22 years, management. Arrests? Nope… Evictions? Nada. And yet, here I am, concerned that I will be viewed as unacceptable for the community. Go figure.

Demons tend to hide. We think they have been successfully slayed and banished from our lives only to find them re-emerging when least expected, and without real reason. But fortunately there’s hope. Having recognized them before they become easier and easier to spot. And knowing them is half the battle. Once spotted, they can be challenged and chained. They can live with our other fears that we know exist but we refuse to give power over our actions or our minds.

The more shallow your demons, the quicker you can handle them because you are mindful of their presence. But if they run deep, they rise up and take you by surprise, of course after they’ve spent some time haunting you.

So may your demons not lay deep and may you take your place in creating your best life without them!

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