

What do you do when you have a gazillion ideas and you can’t pick the ONE? You know, the one right one…

And you are already supposedly successful in your “chosen field” because you’ve been doing it for about a thousand years. (I guess successful might depend on who you ask) But every cell in your being is screaming…. “NO!…this isn’t it. You haven’t yet hit your magic!” And inside, you know it’s true.

Instead of a hypothetical, let me just use me as an example.

So, the main people who regularly check out my posts are my kids, oh and their friends. I should be grateful for friends but the fear voice in me is thinking they are all whispering while my daughter is saying, “Oh My God Mom, really?!”

When Gary Vee says “chronicle the journey of becoming” I stop and wonder, OK. But what exactly is it I’m chronicling and where is it going because I don’t exactly have a theme or a story line. I’m stuck in some middle-aged meandering between this no longer fits and shouldn’t my Ah-Ha have a better road map?

The answer to that is finally, “Hell No!” I realize that I am having the time of my life, finding my life or rather creating my life because I am more in touch with me, more often, then I have ever been.

I realize that what’s been missing in my life and my career, is me. What’s been missing is my voice and my unique way of showing up. I’ve tried to fit into the definitions or boxes that were my roles, but I forgot to bring myself along for the ride. No wonder I never really felt aligned.

When I was a child, I dreamed of a life of do-good disruption. I imagined not following the rules but for the best reasons. Except, that I ended up following the rules like they were the reason.

I have not disrupted, but melted into a pool of compliant, complacent nothingness while the disruption occurred inside me.

Who wants to see my journey? Maybe no one. But if any part of my story can disrupt your complacency sooner, then I will have championed my cause.

You are brilliant. You are the sun that rises and the rays at sunset. You are the spark that causes the world to evolve and spin faster when you get excited. You are the gift that is undeniable and it is time you disrupt anything that keeps you from being all that…..and a bag of (kettle cooked salt and vinegar) chips.

Let’s go! It’s about time we caused some sparks!

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